Russia closes down pipeline indefinitely Jeremy BradleySeptember 6, 2022bills, jb utilities, gas market, energy prices, Russia
We are celebrating our 5th Anniversary. Jeremy BradleyApril 7, 2022bills, jb utilities, gas market, energy market, thank you, our customers, anniversary
Demand from China is why gas prices are rising...and it’s not going away Jeremy BradleyJanuary 24, 2022bills, jb utilities, pandemics, gas market, energy prices
Customers face above-inflation price hike as British Gas raises bills by 5.5% Jeremy BradleyApril 23, 2018gas, gas market, british gas, bills, jb utilities
More than 25% of UK households don't know what energy tariff they have Jeremy BradleyApril 23, 2018gas, gas market, energy
Dutch quake leaves UK gas market on shaky foundations Jeremy BradleyJanuary 22, 2018gas, earthquake, gas market